

場所:金沢大学 自然科学系図書館棟 G1階  G15会議室  /オンライン併用


セミナー内容  (セミナー概要

The degradation state of plastics found in the Japan Sea environment

Edward Gou Nagato 長門 豪(島根大学 学術研究院環境システム科学系 助教)

要旨:Plastics are like most other pollutants; they will change once released into the environment. While surface oxidation is one such aspect of this change, crystallization is another aspect that is understudied. The Sea of Japan coastline is an area where pollutants accumulate, often coming from other countries as they are carried in from the Kuroshio current. In this talk, I will discuss how we have observed plastics to have changed in the environment, with a particular emphasis on the crystallization of the polymer and how this crystallization leads to microplastic formation.