



セミナー内容  (セミナー概要

1.Coastal engineering and climate change in Korea
  Wook-Hyun NAHM
  Principle Researcher, Geological Research Division, KIGAM
       (Web site of KIGAM)

There are three broad categories of methods for responding to sea level rise. (1) the protection that makes the sea dike that can act as a breakwater or a seawall, (2) the accommodation, such as constructing a water city or converting agricultural land into fish farm, (3) the retreat, which people concede and migrate in the flood area. In order to prepare for sea level rise, the defense is the way people think the most, especially the sea dike. Recently, however, people have already experienced the limitations of the sea dike during the recent typhoon, hurricane, and tsunami. The tsunami that exceeded the predictions could not be prevented, sea dike could fallen down and caused more damages. We have to think about whether people can rest assured by the coastal sea dike alone. Even if the sea dike is structurally safe enough, it will be a useless structure if people can not feel comfortable assuredly. The sea dikes have serious side effects, such as blocking the scenery to enjoy the sea, cutting off ecosystems connected to the sea from the land, and further encouraging coastal erosion. Construction costs and subsequent maintenance costs are enormous. We must find ways to satisfy both the ‘safety’ of the structure and the ‘relief’ of the people, and the economic burden of the next generation.