Characterization of ice nuclei in the Asian dust outflow

Mr. Ayumi Iwata (Ph.D. candidate), and Dr. Atsushi Matsuki at Division of Atmospheric Environmental Studies characterized the actual ice nuclei sampled during Asian dust events, and published the paper in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, volume 18.


A new method to accurately identify ice nucleating particles was developed and applied on the aerosol samples collected during Asian dust events. Thorough individual particle analysis revealed significant impact of aging process on the particles’ ice nucleation activity.

Journal title: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 1785-1804, 2018
Title: Characterization of individual ice residual particles by the single droplet freezing method: a case study in the Asian dust outflow region
Authors: Ayumi Iwata and Atsushi Matsuki

Research article(Web site of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics)